The mmenu WordPress plugin is free to use for personal or non-profit usage.
You can purchase a license if you want to use it in a commercial project (including sites, themes and apps you plan to sell).
Before purchasing a license, please make sure the mmenu WordPress plugin is suitable for your project.
You can do this by downloading the free version and purchasing a license later on.
Already have a license key?
Enter your license key and download the latest version.
Single website license
This license allows the mmenu WordPress plugin to be used by you or one client, in a single commercial end product.
Multiple websites license
This license allows the mmenu WordPress plugin to be used by you or your clients, in an unlimited number of commercial end products.
Personal or non-profit
You are free to use the mmenu WordPress plugin for your personal or non-profit website.
Prices include VAT and may vary for your currency.
Paid plugins, themes and templates
By purchasing ONE "Multiple websites license",
you are allowed to include the mmenu WordPress plugin in ONE product (for example a plugin, theme or template) for sale.
Customers and users of your product do not need to purchase their own license.